Friday, May 4, 2007


Week #3

I searched about art, animals, and Orange slices.

The Grokker's grouping help me to find Art History and more infomation about different kinds of art.

My learning style preference is visual and auditory.

Learn 2.0 is working with my learning preference because I have the opportunity to see all the steps that I need to learn to use the blog.

I am really enjoying this class.


ORANGE said...

Your expresion of art is beautiful. I am very happy with this new tool because we can express

Niza said...

Samogo quien eres, tus fotos son lindas nunca e visitado a Cali. Si estoy de acuerdo que eso esta bello pues fue creado por DIOS.Beautiful pictures

SaMoGo said...

Niza, you know who I am. I am your friend.

I work at the 5th floor. Guess who I am.